Bujumbura Rural, Burundi Weather
Current: 23.03°C/73.45°F, Wind SW at 10.69 km/h, 38% Humidity, 1% Chance of rain
- Bujumbura Rural, Burundi Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Bujumbura Rural over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Bujumbura Rural in the coming days
- Rainfall in Bujumbura Rural in the coming days
- Bujumbura Rural Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Bujumbura Rural's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Broken Clouds
Pressure: 1,011 hPa
Sea level: 1,011 hPa
Temperature: 22.38°C
Cloud: 72%
Humidity: 38%
Wind: WSW 5.18 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 23.87°C
- Average low 13.98°C
- Hottest day (20 September 2024) 26.58°C
- Coldest day (09 October 2024) 11.58°C
- Average humidity 37.0%
- Days with precipitation 7 days
- Highest precipitation 20.38 mm (02 October 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 20°C
- Min: 17°C
- Total Precipitation: 0 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Bujumbura Rural over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Bujumbura Rural in the coming days
Rainfall in Bujumbura Rural in the coming days
Bujumbura Rural Climate Summary
Bujumbura Rural features a Tropical wet and dry or savanna (Köppen classification: Aw), with an average annual temperature of 19.96ºC (67.93ºF), which is about -0.51% lower than the national average for Burundi. Annually, the city experiences approximately 98.25 millimeters (3.87 inches) of rainfall, spread across 204.37 rainy days, accounting for 55.99% of the year.
Longitude | -3.5090144 |
Latitude | 29.464359 |
Yearly high temperature | 22.75ºC (72.95ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 14.06ºC (57.31ºF) |
Hottest month | February 23.77ºC (74.79ºF) |
Coldest month | June 12.7ºC (54.86ºF) |
Yearly precip | 98.25mm (3.87in) |
Days with rainfall | 204.37 days (55.99%) |
Driest month | July (67.61%) |
Wettest month | April (82.1%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 23.31° / 13.87° | 21.27 days |
February | 23.77° / 13.86° | 21.09 days |
March | 23.32° / 14.06° | 26.55 days |
April | 22.23° / 14.25° | 26.73 days |
May | 21.41° / 13.68° | 19.36 days |
June | 21.38° / 12.7° | 7.82 days |
July | 22.31° / 13.01° | 2.45 days |
August | 23.09° / 14.4° | 3.82 days |
September | 23.74° / 15.46° | 8.73 days |
October | 23.36° / 15.1° | 18.0 days |
November | 22.68° / 14.47° | 23.82 days |
December | 22.4° / 13.84° | 24.73 days |
Bujumbura Rural's weather
- Birayi
- Cirisha
- Colline Gitwa
- Colline Kagogo
- Colline Kazina
- Colline Kirari
- Colline Kumugaruro
- Colline Kwiriadzo
- Colline Makenke
- Colline Mbare
- Colline Mumasuma
- Colline Mwisate
- Colline Nyabikoma
- Colline Nyamikole
- Colline Ruhororo
- Colline Rutambiro
- Colline Usugi
- Gasasira
- Gatumba
- Gitwaro
- Kabezi
- Kinyami
- Kivoga
- Kumuhuma
- Martyazo
- Mirama
- Mubimbi
- Mugongomanga
- Mujejuru
- Gasenyi
- Kibuye
- Muhanda
- Muhuta
- Ruhinga
- Bikanka
- Bona
- Bugarama
- Buhonga
- Colline Bulemba
- Colline Busenga
- Colline Ijenda
- Colline Kagenda
- Colline Kaminya
- Colline Katebe
- Colline Katumba
- Colline Kihabwa
- Colline Kihunzi
- Colline Kisagasuba
- Colline Kisenyi
- Colline Kumugoboka
- Colline Kumuguma
- Colline Lugombi
- Colline Lutambilu
- Colline Mashenyo
- Colline Matzazo
- Colline Mayuyu
- Colline Misumba
- Colline Mugube
- Colline Muninya
- Colline Munkuli
- Colline Mutoba
- Colline Nguba
- Colline Numbwe
- Colline Nyabiraba
- Colline Nyahibande
- Colline Nyamaboko
- Colline Rubura
- Colline Rugata
- Colline Rukombe
- Colline Rushubi
- Colline Tsharanga
- Colline Tshasi
- Gakungwe
- Ganga
- Gasarara
- Gaseru
- Gihosho
- Gishinge
- Isare
- Isigi
- Janda
- Kajaga
- Karama
- Kirare
- Kirasa
- Kirinzi
- Kivungwe
- Kiyenzi
- Mageyo
- Manga
- Maramvya
- Masuma
- Matara
- Mpinga
- Mubanga
- Mubone
- Mugoboka
- Mugongo
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Bujumbura Rural?
February has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 23.77ºC) and June are the coolest (daily mean of 12.7ºC).
2. What should I wear in Bujumbura Rural today?
For today's very hot weather in Bujumbura Rural, with the high temperatures above 25ºC (77.0ºF), consider wearing:
- Loose and airy fabrics like linen or cotton
- Breathable shorts or skirts
- Sunscreen for skin protection
- UV-protective sunglasses
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Moderate air quality, health effects possible for sensitive people, general public usually unaffected
- CO 1,014.71
- NH3 14.19
- NO 0
- NO2 13.37
- O3 43.63
- PM10 56.21
- PM25 41.41
- SO2 3.87